


DI 25.4.22:30


Norwegen 2019

DI 25.4., 22:30-23:15 Uhr

Der Konflikt zwischen Ingrid und ihrer Tochter Karin eskaliert immer mehr. Statt die 15-Jährige ins Vertrauen zu ziehen, redet Ingrid ihr ein, sich in Wahnvorstellungen verrannt zu haben. Dabei ist Karin der Wahrheit sehr nahe: Sie weiß, dass sich Erik als sein Zwillingsbruder ausgibt und ihr Vater tot ist. Als Frank von Eriks Plänen fortzugehen und dem Streit in der Unglücksnacht erfährt, ...Twin



DI 25.4.23:15


Norwegen 2019

DI 25.4., 23:15-00:00 Uhr

Erik steht nun durch Franks eigenmächtige Nachforschungen mit dem Rücken an der Wand. Die Chefermittlerin Margrete nimmt ihn ins Verhör, um die Widersprüche in seiner früheren Aussage zu klären. Der Verdacht, mit dem Tod seines Bruders etwas zu tun haben, steht jetzt im Raum. Dass er in Wirklichkeit der totgeglaubte Erik ist und nicht Adam - für den er sich ausgibt -, ahnen die Ermittler ...Twin

Twin Sisters


Twin Sisters
DO 4.5.03:15

03:15DW-tvTwin Sisters

United in the Search for a Better Life

DO 4.5., 03:15-04:00 Uhr

Twins Husai and Hassi take the decision together to leave Sierra Leone. In spite of Husai‘s initial failed attempt, this time they‘re both ready to take the step. They hope to earn enough money and eventually bring over their parents and Husai‘s daughter. ...Twin Sisters

Twin Sisters


Twin Sisters
DO 4.5.06:15

06:15DW-tvTwin Sisters

United in the Search for a Better Life

DO 4.5., 06:15-07:00 Uhr

Twins Husai and Hassi take the decision together to leave Sierra Leone. In spite of Husai‘s initial failed attempt, this time they‘re both ready to take the step. They hope to earn enough money and eventually bring over their parents and Husai‘s daughter. ...Twin Sisters

Twin Sisters


Twin Sisters
DO 4.5.20:15

20:15DW-tvTwin Sisters

United in the Search for a Better Life

DO 4.5., 20:15-21:00 Uhr

Twins Husai and Hassi take the decision together to leave Sierra Leone. In spite of Husai‘s initial failed attempt, this time they‘re both ready to take the step. They hope to earn enough money and eventually bring over their parents and Husai‘s daughter. ...Twin Sisters

Twin Sisters


Twin Sisters
FR 5.5.11:15

11:15DW-tvTwin Sisters

United in the Search for a Better Life

FR 5.5., 11:15-12:00 Uhr

Twins Husai and Hassi take the decision together to leave Sierra Leone. In spite of Husai‘s initial failed attempt, this time they‘re both ready to take the step. They hope to earn enough money and eventually bring over their parents and Husai‘s daughter. ...Twin Sisters

Vorschau nächste Woche

2 Sendungen
DI 25.4.
Der Konflikt zwischen Ingrid und ihrer Tochter Karin eskaliert immer mehr. Statt die 15-Jährige ins Vertrauen zu ziehen, redet Ingrid ihr ein, sich in Wahnvorstellungen verrannt...Twin
DI 25.4.
Erik steht nun durch Franks eigenmächtige Nachforschungen mit dem Rücken an der Wand. Die Chefermittlerin Margrete nimmt ihn ins Verhör, um die Widersprüche in seiner...Twin

Vorschau in 2 Wochen

7 Sendungen
DO 4.5.
Twin Sisters
Twin Sisters
Twins Husai and Hassi take the decision together to leave Sierra Leone. In spite of Husai‘s initial failed attempt, this time they‘re both ready to take the step. They hope to...Twin Sisters
DO 4.5.
Twin Sisters
Twin Sisters
Twins Husai and Hassi take the decision together to leave Sierra Leone. In spite of Husai‘s initial failed attempt, this time they‘re both ready to take the step. They hope to...Twin Sisters
DO 4.5.
Twin Sisters
Twin Sisters
Twins Husai and Hassi take the decision together to leave Sierra Leone. In spite of Husai‘s initial failed attempt, this time they‘re both ready to take the step. They hope to...Twin Sisters
FR 5.5.
Twin Sisters
Twin Sisters
Twins Husai and Hassi take the decision together to leave Sierra Leone. In spite of Husai‘s initial failed attempt, this time they‘re both ready to take the step. They hope to...Twin Sisters
SA 6.5.
Twin Sisters
Twin Sisters
Twins Husai and Hassi take the decision together to leave Sierra Leone. In spite of Husai‘s initial failed attempt, this time they‘re both ready to take the step. They hope to...Twin Sisters
SO 7.5.
Twin Sisters
Twin Sisters
Twins Husai and Hassi take the decision together to leave Sierra Leone. In spite of Husai‘s initial failed attempt, this time they‘re both ready to take the step. They hope to...Twin Sisters
SO 7.5.
Twin Sisters
Twin Sisters
Twins Husai and Hassi take the decision together to leave Sierra Leone. In spite of Husai‘s initial failed attempt, this time they‘re both ready to take the step. They hope to...Twin Sisters

Vorschau in 3 Wochen

1 Sendungen
MO 8.5.
Twin Sisters
Twin Sisters
Twins Husai and Hassi take the decision together to leave Sierra Leone. In spite of Husai‘s initial failed attempt, this time they‘re both ready to take the step. They hope to...Twin Sisters

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